December 30, 2021
Recruitment S22
Things to improve from last time
- More targeted outreach to people with underrepresented backgrounds
- Apps from black students was at an all time low
- Socioeconomic diversity
- If there’s someone not meeting rubric/criteria but they described a difficulty in their application that demonstrates why they don’t have much experience
Things that were good last time
- Brown paper bags
- Gender diversity
- Diverse major pool
- Diverse class
Things to do this semester
- Have people who look like our applicants talking in Spark (seeing people like you in Spark)
- Clubs
- Questbridge
- Black Students Association
- Something big would be focusing on clubs that do meaningful work instead of just random other entrepreneurship clubs. Like Peaks or Rishi are much closer to spark imo and better to associate with
- RA’s of special interest floors
- Content to entice people to join
- Blog post about admitting lack of diversity / more updated post
- Classroom Visits
- Everyone in Spark does at least two professors before start of the school year
- Prioritize involvement fair because lots of people on “Typeform” said involvement fair is how they found out about Spark
- How to get non-spark adjacent Spark people
- IG takeovers
- Photoshoot
- Coffee shop where people go and put up flyers
- Quench
- Natures Brew
- Central Kitchen
- Ministry of Coffee
- 30 second recap of semester on website (little snippets of our events)
- 1st round last 2 sems!! Direct emails to them go a long way
- Spark Office Hours
- Headshots
- Give everyone a prompt (e.g. have a white background) and people can send it in
- Brown paper bags
- Hand them out walking around
- Video “what are [specific community e.g. women or LGBTQ+] in Spark doing”]
- Experimental in-person marketing?
- Mixer
To Do
Steve: check stats for how did you find out about spark
Menna: Check involvement fair dates
Ire: update “Who is Spark”
Menna and Gitika: Figure out classroom visits spreadsheet, direct emails for 1st round rejections
Meghana and Ally: IG takeover/ look into doing TikToks + video for website
Dutch: Headshots