**Location**: West Ann :
**Participants**: 2 interviewers, 1 interviewee
**Materials**: 1 google form for note taking during the interview, 1 google form for scoring filled out by *each* interviewer
**Timeline:** (Total Time: 30 minutes)
1. Interview (~25 minutes, aim for 20 mins)
2. Scoring (5 minutes)
Interview Questionnaire
Interview Evaluations
Both ppl Fill out RIGHT after interview
How to Conduct First Round Interviews (Step by Step):
- Review Written Application (3min)
- Take 3 minutes before grabbing the applicant to individually review the applicant's written application.
- Introductions
- Introduce yourselves. Be friendly! Ask them about how they're doing, if they've had classes today.
- One Pager (2min)
- Before you begin the interview, explain the purpose of this interview: just to get to know them better- what they're interested in and passionate about.
- Give them the one pager and explain that this exists just to make things easier for them. Make to sure mention that they can reference the one pager at any time during the interview. Tell them to take a couple minutes to review our mission, our initiatives, and what questions to expect from this interview.
- Interview (15-20min)
- One interviewer types notes. Choose the faster typer. Check this page on how to write notes. How to take First Round Notes
- The other interviewer asks the interview questions. Make sure to include all the clarifying points (ex: You can define community however you'd like! It can be something...) that are attached to each question.
- Make sure that you portray active listening to the applicant. You can respond to the contents of an answer, but limit it to one or two sentences.
- Thank them for their time! Say it was lreally nice meeting them.
- Scoring (5min)
- Scoring is done individually! Do not talk to your co-interviewer about your scoring so you don't influence each other's responses.
- You will be given a google form to score the candidate based off the rubric we used for app reading and a space below each score to ask you to explain why you gave them that score. The Why is extremely important! Use this space to place your thoughts on the candidate based off of the notes you took during the interview.
- First Round Questions (S22)