- Personal Info
- First Name
- Second Name
- USC Email Address
- Grad Date
- Major
- Other Major
- Second Major
- Other Second Major
- Minor
- Second Minor
- How did you hear about Spark SC?
- Help us understand your life journey: what was your life like before you got to USC, and how has it changed/how have you grown since you got into college? Feel free to name communities and opportunities that you’ve been part of, or even values that shape your decisions.
- Where do you want to see yourself by the time you leave USC and how do you plan to get there?
- What is something you can talk about non-stop and why?
- Several key aspects make Spark SC what it is today. What resonates with you most about being a part of Spark? Check this link our for more info on Spark's values here.
- Do you have any links/content you wish to share with us?
- Anything else you’d like us to know about you?
- Racial/Ethnic Diversity Questions
- What are your pronouns?
- What is your race?
- Specify your ethnicity if you would like ( :
- Are you a first-generation college student?
- In the past year, have you needed to work a paying job while school is in session?